I'm Kevin Perdomo,
a Product Designer
based in Vegas, NV.

I'm a product designer who excels in UX Research while also delivering captivating UI Designs. My focus lies in crafting user-centric solutions that harmonize form and function seamlessly.

My Design Thinking

In my project approach, I follow a four-stage design thinking process: Empathize, Define, Ideate, and Prototype and Test, ensuring thorough understanding, precise problem-solving, creative idea generation, and iterative prototyping for optimal outcomes.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share others' feelings, putting ourselves in their shoes to connect with their experiences, problems, and circumstances.


Define stage identifies problems, aligns solutions, and frames them optimally, fostering a unified approach in Design Thinking.


In this phase, I brainstorm diverse ideas, exploring various concepts and potential outcomes, as Stanford terms it, fostering broad exploration.

Prototype & Test

During this final stage, I bring my ideas to life, enabling the creation of an initial version of the product to collect feedback and iteratively refine it.

My Illustrations

Each illustration is made with love and care. Do check out my work on
Dribbble. Likes and comments are appreciated.

Follow me on Dribbble

Let’s talk business

Now that you know a lot about me, let me know if you are interested to work with me.

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